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Catherine Gilliland pictured with prize-winning students: Natasha Shaw, Reagan Breen, Odhran Sweeney and Finn Maguire


Catherine Gilliland pictured with prize-winning students:
Natasha Shaw, Reagan Breen, Odhran Sweeney and Finn Maguire


Catherine Gilliland was the guest speaker recently at an evening of celebration of student achievement in Erne Integrated College. Catherine is a specialist in storytelling and puppetry as a means of improving literacy and promoting communication. 

Catherine spoke to the students about life itself being a story in which they were the main character. She went on to say that, as in all stories, life presents us with adventures, opportunities, challenges and at times traumas. She told the students that the best way to deal with problems was to surround yourself with other characters who can enrich and empower you in your life-story.

Catherine shared an anecdote about Albert Einstein and his chauffeur who swap roles during a visiting lecture in Alabama University. The driver, assuming Einstein’s persona, conducted the lecture whilst Einstein himself sat at the back dressed as a chauffeur. When the driver was posed a complex question about science, he replied to the enquirer, “My good man that question is so rudimentary, I am going to ask my chauffer seated at the back to answer it.” 

Catherine’s point was that in life, everyone has a role and no single role is any more important or valuable than the next.  She advised the young people to strive to be their best, to be themselves and to enjoy the next chapter in their own story.

The Principal of Erne Integrated College, Mr Jimmy Jackson-Ware, wrote to the College about Catherine’s visit and said:

“She did a fantastic job and was well received by the students, parents and staff. Her audience were totally engaged by her storytelling, humour and underlying important message. I look forward to further collaboration between Erne Integrated College and St Mary’s University College.”


Jimmy Jackson-Ware (Principal) with the winner of the Spirt of Erne Integrated College Cup, Abbie Barrett.


Jimmy Jackson-Ware (Principal) with the winner of the Spirt of Erne Integrated College Cup, Abbie Barrett.