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Dedication of Studies



Dedication of Studies Mass



A Dedication of Studies Mass was celebrated on Wednesday, 9 October to mark the beginning of the new academic year.

Rev Dr Paul Fleming was the chief celebrant, supported by Rev Dr Eddie McGee, Rev Fr Eugene O’Hagan (Chancellor of the Diocese of Down and Connor) and Rev Fr Dominic McGrattan (the new Chaplain at Queen’s University).

A prayer of dedication by Adrian Porter SJ was read by Rev Dr Eddie McGee.


we gather in your presence
in prayer and praise.
We thank you for our health and happiness,
for forgiveness and healing,
for our talents,
and for our friends.
We thank you for the wonderful world you have given us
to explore and to use to your greater glory.
We thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ, your Son,
who died that we might have life and live it to the full.
Send your Spirit to accompany us on our daily journey.
Give us wisdom that we may find you in all things.
Give us understanding that we may learn our lessons well.
Give us compassion that we may show your face to those we meet.
Give us generosity that we may share the gifts you have given us.
Give us faith that we may have confidence in ourselves.
Above all give us love that we may bring joy into the lives of those around us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Before the Mass there was a presentation of awards to successful students.







Presented by


Top achiever in last year’s first year
Education programme

Caoimhe Macauley
(BEd2 Celtic)

Clive Bowles
(President of NASUWT)

Fr Martin O’Callaghan memorial award

Top achiever in last year’s first
year LA programme

Oisin McMullan
(LA2 History)
Peter Finn
(College Principal)

St Mary’s Students’ Union
Recognition of dedication to the
College community

Finbar Burns
(BEd4 Celtic)
Eve Lavery
(President of the
Students’ Union)

CCMS Student Award

Education in the community

Grainne Clancy
(BEd4 Religious Studies Primary)

Mairead Harvey

(Senior Education Advisor, CCMS)


Clive Bowles and Caoimhe Macauley


Clive Bowles and Caoimhe Macauley


Peter Finn and Oisin McMullan


Peter Finn and Oisin McMullan


Eve Lavery and Finbar Burns


Eve Lavery and Finbar Burns


Mairead Harvey and Grainne Clancy


Mairead Harvey and Grainne Clancy