In The Picture — 24 June 2021

Irish-medium Celebration



TICO students who completed their Irish-medium programme at St Mary’s University College, 18 June 2021. Eimear MacParland, Seána McCrory, Ciara Moore, Catherine Boyle.


TICO students who completed their Irish-medium programme at St Mary’s University College, 18 June 2021.
Eimear MacParland, Seána McCrory, Ciara Moore, Catherine Boyle.


SIrish-medium teacher education was quietly celebrated at the final virtual session in the PGCE programme at St Mary’s University College on 18 June 2021. Twenty students completed the Irish-medium PGCE programme and they joined seven PGCE students from Ulster University and Queen’s University who completed their enhancement course in Irish and Irish-medium Education at St Mary’s, under the direction of Dr Seán Mac Corraidh. Students received certificates in Bilingual Education. Professor Peter Finn spoke about the teaching profession and reminded students of the important role of teachers as advocates for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children in their care. Ciarán Mac Giolla Bhéin,  Chief Executive of Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, announced the recipients of Comhairle na Gaelscolaiochta prizes for excellence and community awareness.

Congratulations to the students who completed the Irish-medium pathway through the four years of the Bachelor of Education programme and are about to embark on their careers as Irish-medium teachers- joining excellent teachers in the educational community.



Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire 
Múinteoirí nuacháilithe do na scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge

Rinneadh oideachas múinteoirí do na Gaelscoileanna a chomóradh go fíorúil i gColáiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire nuair a chríochnaigh 20 mac léinn TICO an clár bunscoile, 18 Meitheamh 2021. Don seisiún deireanach mar rang, tháinig siad i gcuideachta 7 mac léinn ó Ollscoil Uladh agus QUB a chríochnaigh an cúrsa Gaeilge agus Gaeloideachais faoi stiúir an Dr Sheáin Mhic Corraidh, CONM.  Bronnadh Teastas san Oideachas Dátheangach ar na mic léinn atá réidh le tosú ar an turas gairmiúil sa Ghaeloideachas. Labhair an tOllamh Peadar Mag Fhionn faoi ghairm na múinteoireachta agus faoin tábhacht le tacú leis na daltaí is leochailí agus is mó faoi mhíbhuntáiste sa tsochaí. Bhronn an tUasal Ciaran Mac Giolla Bhéin, Príomhfheidhmeanach Chomhairle na Gaelscolaíochta, duaiseanna barrchumais ar thriúr de na mic léinn.

Comhghairdeas leis na mic léinn go léir agus leis na mic léinn a chríochnaigh Baitsiléir an Oideachais trí mheán na Gaeilge agus a bheidh ag tosú ar an ghairm mar mhúinteoirí lánGhaeilge. Múinteoirí tosaigh den scoth iad go léir a chuirfidh go mór leis na phobal oideachais agus leis an phobal Gaeilgeoirí.


Seana McCrory, recipent of Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta award, Mac Léinn TICO Barrchumais


Seana McCrory, recipent of Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta award,
Mac Léinn TICO Barrchumais


Ciara Moore, TICO recipient of the award for community awareness, Pobal Gaeltachtachta Bhéal Feirste


Ciara Moore, TICO recipient of the award for community awareness,
Pobal Gaeltachtachta Bhéal Feirste