In The Picture — 30 July 2021

Giving Children Their Voice Through GAA



Michael Gerard Ó Dochartaigh, pictured with sonsIarla (5) and Connla (3), has created a series of personalised booklets called ‘Live, Learn, Love Gaelic Games’. Picture by Hugh Russell

Michael Gerard Ó Dochartaigh, pictured with sonsIarla (5) and Connla (3),
has created a series of personalised booklets called ‘Live, Learn, Love Gaelic Games’.
Picture by Hugh Russell


St Mary’s graduate, Michael Gerard Ó Dochartaigh, eyewitnessed the toll societal change is taking on young people across the country and could see that some outside of the box thinking was required to try and stem the tide.

As a primary school teacher at west Belfast’s Bunscoil an tSléibhe Dhuibh, a juvenile coach at Pádraig Sáirséil and a father of two young boys, with another child on the way, most of Ó Dochartaigh’s days are spent with children.

His approach involves talking to them, offering guidance and, most importantly, trying to understand and help overcome the challenges they face.


Read the full story on the Irish News website.


For more information visit, or for any clubs or schools seeking further information, contact Michael Gerard Ó Dochartaigh via Twitter (@livelearnlovegg), Instagram (@livelearnlovegaelicgames), Facebook (@livelearnlovegaelicgames) or email