MSc in Physical Education & Sport for Young People




MPE5001 - Leadership and Professional Development in PE and Sport working with and for Young People

Tutor - Dr Elaine McLaughlin

This module aims to provide participants with advanced knowledge and understanding of develop self-reflective skills through engagement with key theories and literature within critical issues in PE and youth sport, while meeting the aims of Sport NI strategy to facilitate better provision for the children of NI. Students will initiate the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience gained in reflection of their experiences to date, while reflecting on areas requiring development.  Specifically, students will critically review the structures of leading children’s learning through and surrounding the paradigms of Physical Education and Sport.


MPE5002 - Research Methods in PE and Sport working with and for Young People

Tutor - Mr Gary McKeegan and Dr Mark Barr

This module aims to extend students’ existing understanding of methodological issues and the relevance of different research methods and associated ethical considerations relevant to physical education and sport scholarship, with a specific focus on research on sport for young people. This module will also encourage students to adopt a creative approach to problem-solving in the context of active practitioner and independent academic research. Focusing on the ‘real-world’ research opportunities in the domains of PE and Sport for young people, priority will be given to evaluative, problem and change-based research and methodologies. This module will provide context and understanding of the options available for students selecting the consultancy-based project or the academic research project.





MPE5003 - PE and Sport and the Social Sciences

Tutor - Mr Paddy Tally and Mr Oisín MacÍomhair

This module aims to encourage students to think critically about sport and its place in society and in education. In particular, subjects such as the stratification of society (i.e. by race, sex, religion, class, age, ability etc.) and the sporting experiences of different social groups in the community and in schools, will be investigated.  Furthermore, this module aims to develop students’ practical, oral, and communication abilities, independent and analytical thinking skills, and intellectual curiosity. The content of the module will include communication and listening skills in working with children and young people, ensuring knowledge sharing and application of safeguarding practices, equality, and inclusion in practice.


MPE5004 - Cognitive Development and Pedagogy through PE and Sport

Tutor - Mr Ciaran Walsh

This module offers participants an opportunity to develop specialist, in-depth knowledge of how children’s cognitive development can be facilitated through physical education and school sport. This module will enable students to identify and extend the strengths in their own professional practices so that children and young people can learn and progress more effectively in a variety of ways. Students will develop their pedagogical knowledge and practice, and enhance their ability to examine the factors that contribute to high-quality teaching, coaching, and learning in this field.


MPE5005 - Psychology: Culture, Coaching and the Young Person

Tutor - Dr Ciaran Kearney

This module will enable students to provide a foundation for understanding principles of applied sport psychology, as well as the standing and evolution of the discipline of sport and exercise psychology for children and young people. The module will also aim to foster effective communication and groupwork skills in the development and delivery of sport psychology to children and young people in practice. Topics covered will include: team culture, developing resilience in sport, transitioning from youth to adult participation, creating leaders from youth sport, and psychological safety in youth sport.




MPE5006 - Consultancy based project

Tutors - Dr Elaine McLaughlin, Mr Ciaran Walsh, Mr Paddy Tally, Dr Ciaran Kearney, Mr Oisin MacIomhair, Mr Kevin Niblock

The consultancy-based project module provides a learner-centric professional development approach where students design and implement professional and personal development plans with the support of an academic coach and experienced professional advisers. The consultancy-based project aims to provide students with opportunities to apply analytical tools and critical thinking to “real-world” issues to enhance the lives of children and young people through PE and sport. This module will provide external organizations or clients with opportunities to advance their objectives by means of such a consultancy-based project, while allowing students to draw on their range of knowledge and leadership skills to provide solutions for a relevant sporting or educational institution.


MPE5007 - Dissertation or Academic Paper with Presentation

Tutors - Dr Elaine McLaughlin, Mr Ciaran Walsh, Mr Paddy Tally, Dr Ciaran Kearney, Mr Oisin MacIomhair, Mr Kevin Niblock

The aim of this active research module is to enable participants to investigate a topical issue that impacts on professional practice in PE and Sport for young people. The students will analyse a selected contemporary physical educational or sports-related topic, and present an academic paper of between 10,000 to 12,000 words, explaining the student’s claims to new knowledge relating to researching and reporting on findings in the area of PE and sport for young people.