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International - Europe image

Erasmus+ mobility is part and parcel of the culture of St Mary's because we take it very seriously. We recognise the very clear benefits of student mobility.


Students from the Netherlands, Greece and Spain who were at St Mary's in 2006 returned in 2016 and met up with Briege Ellis.


Students who were at St Mary's in 2006 (Eelco Tjallema from the Netherlands, Katerina Vigkou from Athens

and Alicia Marti from Valencia), returned in 2016 and met up with Briege Ellis.

Turas Beyond Borders

Student Reflections

Here are some reflections of ERASMUS students for you to consider. Some reflect the experiences of visiting students to our college and country. Others record the impact that ERASMUS has had on our students who have availed of the wonderful experience of study abroad.


      Inward Students

       Outward Students