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The International Feuchtwanger Society (IFS)

17 December 2007

On 11 July 2001 scholars and journalists from the US and Europe came together in Pacific Palisades (Los Angeles) to found the INTERNATIONAL FEUCHTWANGER SOCIETY. The Society aims to increase awareness of the life and works of Lion and Marta Feuchtwanger and other German émigré who settled in Southern California during and after the Nazi period. To this end the Society issues a regular Newsletter and holds conferences every two years, alternating between the US and Europe. The first conference, in spring 2003, took place at the Villa Aurora, the Feuchtwanger former home in Pacific Palisades. A second conference took place in 2005 in Sanary-sur-Mer (France), an important centre of German émigré culture in 1930s. A third conference took place in September 2007 in Los Angeles, with a focus on Feuchtwanger (and other émigré) and Film. The next conference is planned for 2009 in Vienna. The Society website http://www.arts.ulster.ac.uk/research/humanities/conferences_feuchtwanger.htm is hosted by the Humanities Research Institute at the University of Ulster and provides also an overview of previous volumes of the Society Newsletter as pdf-files. Since December 2007 the IFS-Newsletter is edited by IFS founding member Angela Vaupel and published by St Mary's University College Belfast. All International Feuchtwanger Society members receive the annual IFS Newsletter from the Society as a benefit of membership and are invited to participate in the Society's symposia. The Society is multilingual and the Newsletter welcomes contributions in English, French, or German on relevant aspects of Exile Studies. Editorial contact: Dr Angela Vaupel, European Studies, St Mary's University College Belfast (a.vaupel@smucb.ac.uk) For more information on émigré Lion Feuchtwanger, the exile community in Los Angeles, and research grants visit the Feuchtwanger Memorial Library at http://www.usc.edu/libraries/archives/arc/libraries/feuchtwanger/index.html

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