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Letter from Brussels!

29 March 2011

Hey Guys!

Brussels is absolutely unbelievable. I am running around in the parliament assisting Bairbre de Brún, taking notes, taking pictures and so on. I just wanted to thank you all so much for giving me this incredible possibility and also for preparing me (Gerry’s modules especially) for this.

I hope that everything is fine in Belfast.

I celebrated St Patrick´s day with some Serbian delegates in Brussels, and an ambassador from Tallinn. They all though I was Irish (I think it is the hair) and they were very disappointed when I told them that I lived in Belfast, but was not Irish.

Armelle and Bairbre

Anyway, I also attended a conference on the use of tar, sand and oil in Europe and on that occasion Bairbre asked me to assist her personally. The parliamentary photographer got a picture taken of us which I might put on Facebook!

Love to all from Brussels.


ps Joan, I'll send you the update journal later on tonight.

pps I promise Paul, I'll bring back some chocolates!

Note: The letter is from Armelle Lefebure, third year Liberal Arts student doing a work placement in the European Parliament.

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