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Ministerial Visit

8 November 2016

Minister of Finance Máirtín Ó Muilleoir MLA and West Belfast MP Paul Maskey were guests of St Mary’s University College recently where they met with some of the institution’s international students.

The Sinn Féin political representatives met with students from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Austria and Italy, all of whom are living in the Beechmount/Broadway area and studying at St Mary’s through the European Union Erasmus programme. The students were joined by Dr Gerard McCann, who is responsible for international projects, and the College Principal, Professor Peter Finn.

The visit to St Mary’s also involved observing the College Writing Centre, as well as a specially designed literacy classroom, an Irish-medium teacher education seminar, a Careers and Employability Fair, an tÁisaonad (the Irish Medium Resources Unit) and the Students’ Centre.

Professor Finn said:

“St Mary’s is very pleased to welcome hard-working political representatives and to have them observe the wide range of excellent work in higher education that goes on at the College campus.”

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