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Research on William Walker

5 November 2018

Dr Peter Collins with recently published book

Dr Peter Collins, a history lecturer at St Mary’s University College, had his research published in a recent book: William Walker 1870 – 1918: Belfast Labour Unionist Centenary Essays, edited by Séan Byers and Francis Devine and published by Umiskin Press in 2018.

Dr Collins’ chapter, “William Walker and Belfast Trades Council”, aims to chronicle the career of William Walker as a trade unionist principally through his involvement with Belfast Trades Council, which was established in 1881. Collins concludes his chapter by suggesting that the positive legacy of William Walker has been to allow Unionist-minded trade unionists in the north of Ireland to continue to participate in all-island trade union congresses without compromising their political ideals or identity, leading to a strong and united trade union movement, with the Belfast Trades Council still being part of that movement.

Dr Collins' chapter is titled William Walker and Belfast Trades Council

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