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Student TeachMeet

15 January 2020

St Mary’s University College held a student TeachMeet in the College Hall on Wednesday, 15 January 2020 at 2:00 pm.

For the past five years St Mary’s has distinguished itself by being the first and only Initial Teacher Education institution in Ireland to host a regular series of student-led TeachMeets.

Our TeachMeets have been popular. On average about two hundred students attend each year and a further team of student volunteers step up to help organise the event – while another team volunteer to present some of their wisdom, skill, strategies or resources.

It is this sharing and mutual support which defines the St Mary’s University College ethos. It is also this sort of collaboration, student initiative and student leadership which reinforces the very idea of today’s teachers being ‘Learning Leaders.’

One student teacher feeding back on the St Mary’s event last year said, “It was a very positive experience. I was introduced to great new ideas that I can bring not only to my School Experience placement but to future teaching opportunities as well.’ Another noted, ‘There were lots of creative ideas for planning, resourcing and classroom management.’

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