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Staff and Students travel with Trócaire to Kenya

02 November 2006

4th Year BEd RS Students Claire McKillop and Emma O'Kane join staff members Fr. Niall Coll and Dr. Gerard McCann on a 10day trip to Kenya with Trócaire. The representatives of St. Mary's University College will travel with staff and students from Mater Dei College in Dublin, CCMS representative, Donal Flanagan and Trócaire NI Director, Eithne McNulty. They will visit Trócaire projects in and around Nairobi including work being carried out in Kibera, Africa's biggest slum and HIV/AIDS Project in the Love and Hope Centre in Nakuru. They will also have the opportunity to meet fellow student teachers from the local Teacher Training College who are involved in Trócaire's Pamoja Project. On their return our staff and students will be involved in the preparation of next years Trócaire Lenten resource pack which is used across schools in Ireland. The visit has been organised with the Religious Studies Department and the College's Global Dimension in Education Project.

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