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Staff Mobility

19 January 2007

The International Office is pleased to announce that the following staff will be taking part in the Teacher Mobility Scheme under the auspices of Socrates-ERASMUS: Matthew Martin to the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Peter Collins to the University of Gdansk, Poland; and Frank Quinn to Artevelde Hogeschool, Gent, Belgium. In addition, Paul Anthony will be going to Millersville University, PA,USA. The College will also be receiving the following staff over the next few weeks: Miroslaw Patalon from the University of Gdansk, Poland; Raney Mills Turner from the University of Mississippi, USA; Ludo Vandael from Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium; Amelie Caveye and Ilse de Bolster from Artevelde Hogeschool, Gent, Belgium; Kaine Goluzer from Abant Izzet Baysal University Bolu, Turkey; and Eric Nicaise (Education) from Haute Ecole Louverval, Belgium .

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