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International Office News Archive

Dr Bob Coumo, Merrimack College

14 September 2006
St. Mary's pleased to host Dr. Cumo, Dean of the Business School at Merrimack....

Lisbon, Portugal

14 September 2006
Mr Peter Finn, Head of the International Office, attended a number of events in Lisbon on 4-5 September with the objective of developing a new Comenius project in partnership with schools and colleges in Portugal....

Lodz, Poland

14 September 2006
Dr Margaret Keane and Dr Madeleine Lombard will attend a meeting of the TEAM Project in Lodz, Poland, 12-13 September....

Paris, France

14 September 2006
Peter Finn will attend the annual conference of the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education in Paris on 21-22 September....

Larnaca, Cyprus

14 September 2006
St Mary's will organise a Comenius-funded course for teachers on the theme of 'Cross Currents in European Literature', 8-14 October....

Outward ERASMUS Mobility

06 September 2006
The International Office has finished the selection of its ERASMUS students for the coming academic year....

New Partners

06 September 2006
The College is pleased to announce new links with the following institutions: Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey; Universitat de les Illes Balears, Mallorca; Zachodniopomorska Szkola Biznesu (The West Pomeranian Business School), Poland. ...

Business Education Initiative (BEI)

06 September 2006
Eleven students from the College have left to study in the USA under the auspices of the Business Education Scheme. ...

For current International Office News see International Office News section.