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International Office News Archive

All Work And No Play ...

09 November 2005
In addition to the academic programme, the visiting ERASMUS students have been involved in a social and cultural programme organised by the College....

Teacher Education at European Level

21 October 2005
St Mary's University College recently hosted a week-long visit by a group of teachers from Turkey, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands and Denmark....

Visit by Representative of US Conference of Catholic Bishops

06 October 2005
Michael Galligan-Stierle of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops visited the College on October 21st to explore new relationships between St. Mary's and similar institutions in the USA....

Cross Currents in European Literature, Larnaca, Cyprus

06 October 2005
Mr Leo D'Agostino, Head of English, and Mr Peter Finn, Acting Principal, delivered the College's Cross Currents in European Literature Programme in Larnaca, Cyprus, in mid October....

Collaboration with Loyala University (Rome Campus)

06 October 2005
In December of last year, St. Mary's hosted a day for a group of US students from Loyola University's Rome campus led by the Dean of Students Todd Waller...

EGEA Student Congress in Greece

06 October 2005
Three students attended the European Association of Student Geographers in Greece in the week beginning October 10th....

Visitors from Haderslev Teachers College, Denmark

06 October 2005
On Monday 9th October the College hosted a study visit of staff and students from Haderslev Teachers College CVU-Sønderjylland, Denmark . ...

The ERASMUS Programme

21 September 2005
Over fifty St. Mary's students have enrolled for the ERASMUS programme. They will visit host universities in the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, Malta and Denmark. ...

For current International Office News see International Office News section.