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International Office News Archive

Coronavirus - COVID-19

12 February 2021
Latest information on Coronavirus - COVID 19....

Safeguarding Training in Lusaka

6 February 2021
St Mary's Coordinates Police Safeguarding Training in Lusaka...

Young News Readers Project

4 February 2021
Young News Readers Project...

Challenging Times

31 March 2020
Challenging Times, Professor Peter Finn KSG, Principal of St Mary's University College....

Key Issues in Development Studies

10 February 2020
A second edition of the best-selling textbook on International Development, 'Key Issues in Development Studies', has been released. ...

Rethinking Human Rights

17 February 2020
Dr Birgit Schippers, senior lecturer at St Mary's University College, will present her research at Adam Smith Business School on Wednesday, 19 February 2020....

Irish-medium Principals’ Forum

17 February 2020
St Mary’s University College Belfast was host to the Irish-medium (IM) Principals’ Forum recently....

James Connolly Visitor Centre

27 January 2020
College International students are accompanied by Dr Peter Collins and Dr Gerard McCann on a study visit to the James Connolly Visitor Centre....

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