The College offers Irish-medium professional development
for teachers and classroom assistants who work in the Irish-medium
sector. Information on the M-level specialist options designed in Irish-medium
Education can be found below.
Tá an roghachúrsa seo fóirsteanach dóibh siúd atá ag obair in earnáil na Gaelscolaíochta. Díreofar na modúil ar shaincheisteanna a bhaineann leis an oideachas trí mheán na Gaeilge agus dearadh iad le dea-chleachtas an tumoideachais a léiriú ag gach céim den oideachas. Gheobhaidh múinteoirí agus cleachtóirí deis, leis na modúil seo, machnamh a dhéanamh ar theoiricí agus ar chleachtas sa tumoideachas, ag fiosrú na bpróiseas agus na dtorthaí a bhaineann le teagasc, foghlaim agus measúnú i suíomhanna lán-Ghaeilge.
This option is for individuals working in the Irish-medium sector. The modules focus on a range of current issues relevant to Irish medium education and have been designed to reflect best practice in immersion education models at all phases. These courses will allow practitioners to explore and reflect on theoretical principles and classroom practice in immersion education by examining the processes and outcomes involved in learning, teaching and assessing in Irish medium settings |
Further information on the can be found in the M-Level Prospectus. |