PGCE (Irish Medium - Primary)

PGCE Creativity
PGCE Creativity video
(30 MB MP4)


The Post Graduate Certificate in Education is a one-year full-time course leading to full recognition as a teacher by the Department of Education. It is taught substantially through the medium of Irish and is intended particularly for graduates who wish to teach in Irish-medium primary schools.


Aim of the Course

The general aim of the course is to provide students with the opportunity to:

  • develop a range of professional competences
  • engage in informed debate about major issues in education and training
  • reflect in depth on theory/practice relationships within professional contexts
  • keep abreast of research, innovation and developments in education in general and Irish-medium education in particular
  • develop research skills.

Course Structure

The PGCE (Irish-medium) course has been structured in modules in line with the QAA Qualifications Framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In order to successfully complete the PGCE (Irish-medium) course, students must pass the following three modules:


Module MPS4001 School-based work

Module MPS4002 Learning and Teaching in the Irish-medium Primary School

Module MPS4003 Perspectives on the Primary Curriculum

Two of the modules, MPS4002 and MPS4003, are credited at Masters Level each worth 20 M-level credit points. Module MPS4001 is credited at Honours level and is worth 20 H-level credit points.


Turas Beyond Borders

Photograph of TICO students

TICO Students describe their international experience


Course Content


The course content is based on the requirements of the Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum and students have the opportunity to gain meaningful insights into educational issues relevant to immersion education. The course is of thirty-six weeks duration, of which some eighteen weeks are spent on practical teaching experience in schools. Students will spend two blocks of School Experience in an Irish-medium school and one block in an English-medium school.

It is recommended that applicants applying for this course have a high level of competence in oral and written Irish. The selection procedure involves an interview and a written task.

For further information and an application form please contact the Academic Registry.


PGCE Programme Team

PGCE Administration Contact