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Student Experience

Student Union President 2023/24 - Dara Mooney

Dara Mooney


Phone: 02890268217


As Student’s Union President, I will sit on the NUS-USI regional council, acting as Chief Executive Officer and political leader of the Students’ Union of St. Mary’s. As the SU’s Director of Finance, I will be responsible for finance, as well as the needs of the student body and overall Student policy. Representing the students on every level, I will sit on the Academic Board and College Board of Governors, as well as being in liaison with the Faculty of Education. The President of the SU also manages Students’ Union publications, communications, and elections, and I will report monthly to the Students’ Union Executive Team and the College Principal, Professor Finn.

Student Union Vice President 2023/24 - Niall Burns

Niall Burns


Phone: 02890268311



As Vice-President of the Students’ Union, I have the specific responsibility of working closely with all Clubs and Societies within the College, providing active support and assistance. I will join the SU President, Dara, and sit on the Academic Board to represent the student body. Furthermore, I will oversee the work of all non-sabbatical SU officers and generally assist the SU President on all duties throughout the year.


Danny McHugh (BA 3 PE)



Danny will take minutes of Union Executive meetings, whilst also taking minutes on behalf of the Academic Affairs Officer as SSCC meetings. He will also attend and promote social events whilst assisting with the general running of the Students’ Union.

BA Academic Officer 2023/24 - Shanna Cassidy

Shanna Cassidy (BA 3 PE)

BA Academic Officer


Shanna will oversee the work of the student representative dealing with academic affairs of LA students whilst running all SSCC meetings and resource sharing platforms. She will recruit LA representatives from each year to represent their class. Shanna will also work alongside the Students’ Union Secretary to take minutes and set agendas of all SSCC meetings.

Community Volunteering Officer 2023/24 - Ella Wilson

Ella Wilson (BEd 4 PE)

Community Volunteering Officer


Ella will ensure that the Union is well represented in all external bodies and community groups. She will work closely with the International Officer and Cultural Officer to ensure that all St Mary’s upholds a positive image with the local and international community. She will also help the President and Vice-President to organise the Community Fair.

Women's Officer 2023/24 - Claire Teague

Claire Teague (BEd 4 PE)

Women's Officer



Claire has responsibility for Women’s Student Welfare and Health within the college. She will work closely with the Vice-President and the Student Welfare team. Claire has special responsibility for women’s issues and is a member of the BEd pathway committee and Student Services committee.

Health & Wellbeing Officer - Maeve Callaghan

Maeve Callaghan (BA 3 PE)

Health & Wellbeing Officer


Maeve will work together with Students’ Union to ensure that equal opportunities are upheld for the student body, irrespective of the disabilities or issues students may experience. She will also address issues faced by members of the LGBTQ community within the college. She will try to resolve any problems and provide a driving force for positive amendments and services.

Cultural & Irish Language Officer - Emily McShane

Emily McShane (BEd 4 Irish)

Cultural & Irish Language Officer


Emily will work closely with all the Executive officers to ensure that the cultural needs of the student body are met, traditional or modern, local or international. Emily will focus on building upon and maintaining the Student Union’s strong and valuable cultural identity. She will also ensure that the Irish language is promoted and preserved within the College, by helping to organise several events.

Clubs & Societies Officer - Alanah Donnelly

Alanah Donnelly (BEd 4 PE)

Clubs & Societies Officer



Alanah will work closely with Niall, the Vice-President, to support all clubs and societies within the College, ensuring that they are well financed and that their needs are met. Alanah will also have a part to play in the setting up of new clubs and societies within the College.

Entertainment Officer - Daire Stevenson

Dáire Stevenson (BEd 4 Irish)

Entertainment Officer


Dáire is here to organise and co-ordinate all Union Executive social functions alongside the other Union Executives. Dáire will help the various clubs and societies organize fundraising events. He will also work with the Formal Committee to organise the Formal.

BEd Academic Officer - Shane Donnelly

Shane Donnelly (BEd 4 PE)

BEd Academic Officer


Shane will oversee the work of the student representative dealing with academic affairs of BEd students whilst running all SSCC meetings and resource sharing platforms. He will recruit BEd representatives from each year to represent their class. Shane will also work alongside the Students’ Union Secretary to take minutes and set agendas of all SSCC meetings.

International Officer - Anna Rafferty

International Officer - Niamh Quinn

Anne Rafferty & Niamh Quinn (BEd 3 Maths)

International Officers



Both Anna and Niamh are aware of the problems and concerns that our International Students may encounter. They will be on hand to provide support and guidance for our international students, ensuring that their time at St Mary’s is as enjoyable as possible for their once in a lifetime experience. Anna and Niamh will also be a source of wisdom and knowledge for our outgoing international students.