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Student Experience

Award Recipient
(National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers)
Top achiever in last year's first-year Education Programme
Judith Quinn
CCMS Student Award
(Council for Catholic Maintained Schools)
High achiever in Religious Education and contribution to community service
Emma McHugh
Students' Union Award
In recognition of dedication to the College community
Niamh McGirr
Fr Martin O'Callaghan Memorial Award
In recognition of top achiever in last year's first year Liberal Arts programme
Emir McLaughlin
Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO):John Cull Award
Top achieving mature student across the BEd degree programme
Brid McGrath
Irish National Teachers' Organisation (INTO):Vere Foster Medal
For consistently high marks in School Experience
Laura Cunningham
Award on Behalf of St Mary’s Students' Union
In recognition of high achievement in the Capstone module, supported by strong performance in other aspects of the BEd degree programme
Hollie Brennan
Dymphna Taggart Award
In recognition of high achievement in the Education project, supported by strong performance in other aspects of the BEd degree programme
Niamh Lynchehaun
General Teaching Council Northern Ireland (GTCNI)
STAR award for top achieving final year BEd Primary student in 2017-18
Ryan McCusker
General Teaching Council Northern Ireland (GTCNI)
STAR award for top achieving final year BEd Post-primary student in 2017-18
Sophie Millar
Belfast Teachers Credit Union:Volunteering Award Shannon Campbell