Human Development Studies - Overview of LA2 courses

Human Development Studies - Level 2 Modules

In year 2, the contents of Human Development Studies are delivered in two forms for administrative and assessment purposes. One module is taken in Semester 1 by students going on Erasmus mobility. The other is taught throughout the academic year to the remainder of the year 2 cohort.

Global Justice

This module explores one of the most hotly debated topics in current political studies: global justice. Drawing on a range of approaches to, and perspectives on, to the study of global justice (incl. applied political philosophy, international political philosophy, global ethics, and comparative politics), students will consider the political and ethical implications of living in a globalized world, and will seek to understand the significance for justice, above and beyond the legal and physical boundaries of the nation-state.

This study of global justice will focus on three themes: war and peace; the politics of human rights; and global governance. Students are introduced to key ideas and concepts in the field, and will the opportunity to examine a number of relevant case studies.

Global Justice (European Outreach)


Students may choose to participate in the ERASMUS programme in Year 2 of the LA degree. Students will be registered for this module of Human Development Studies in semester 1. This module will contain a menu of the units on Global Justice taken by other LA2 students in semester 1. In semester 2, students follow a Learning Programme in the host institution. The learning programme is equivalent to three modules and results will be transferred into the student's academic record on return to St Mary’s.