Ireland and Europe: Unity in Diversity

Dr Angela Vaupel

This module explores further the nature of the parallel diversity and unity of Europe in both society and culture, with particular regard to the issues of ethnicity, identity and communication. The impact of migration within Europe, both historic and more recent immigration, will be examined. The resultant bilingualism and multilingualism which prevails will be examined as it is manifested in literature through translation and through the constant exchange of ideas and cultural influences.

Unit 1: Introduction

This unit provides an introduction to the theme and examines the nature of the parallel diversity and unity of Europe in terms of both the social and also the cultural.

Unit 2: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Identity

The arrival of migrants from 'other' European countries and even more so from 'non-European' countries has transformed the demographic and cultural landscapes of Europe. Outcomes have not been uniform across Europe and the social, cultural and spatial impacts of immigration will be investigated. The significance of ethnicity in the context of labour migrants, asylum seekers and refugees will be examined. The centrality of migration issues in contemporary European political discourse will be explored. The implications of post-colonialism, citizenship, racism and xenophobia will be related to appropriate conceptual frameworks. Ireland, like a number of other European countries, was once an exporter of migrants but is now a receiver. The implications of post-colonialism, citizenship, racism and xenophobia will be examined and evaluated in this unit.

Unit 3: Cross-currents in European Culture

The diversity that characterises Europe in terms of its political and ethnic make up is also reflected in its cultural forms. This is clearly evidenced in the role of translation, bilingualism and multilingualism in European literature. The exchange of cultural influences and the interplay of languages are of central importance to our understanding of European literature. This unit will discuss these themes with specific reference to literature in English, literature in translation and literature on the margins.