Human Development Studies - Level 3

In the third and final year of the Liberal Arts programme, all students will follow a core module, Liberal Arts: Work Related Learning and will choose two further modules from a menu comprised of options offered by tutors within Human Development Studies, International Studies and the subject studies areas.

MLA3020 – Liberal Arts: Work Related Learning

In this core module taken by all students, students will study organisations and their operating context; issues relating to globalisation; the complexities of the global marketing system; and the interaction between business organisation and social change. Students will develop research skills for the business environment; and enhance their graduate employability skills. A period of placement learning (February-March) within an organisation (private, public or voluntary sectors) with opportunities to observe, participate and reflect on aspects of operational and management processes in order to enhance career and personal development, employability and transferable skills. As a result, students will complete a personal reflective learning audit.

MLA3013 – Researching Global Justice

This module is offered by HDS tutors as one of the options available to Year Three students.

This module addresses current issues and debates in the field of global justice. It considers topics from three perspecitives:

(1) a study of core concepts, paradigms and themes in contemporary global justice debates; (2) the relevance of global justice issues to selected policy areas; and (3) approaches to research in the area of global justice.

Thematically, this module will focus on the concept of human rights.


Drawing on a range of approaches to, and perspectives on, the study of global justice (including applied political philosophy, international political philosophy, global ethics, and comparative politics), we will examine, debate, and appraise key ideas, concepts and theories in the field. Students are invited to participate in and initiative inquiry-based activities, and to consider the policy-relevant aspects of the topic, which they will explore via a series of case studies.