Course Description: Irish

St Mary's Course Code:



Baitsiléar sna Saorealaíona le Gaeilge

Sa bhreis ar na ranganna teanga agus litríochta a thugtar do na mic léinn a bhfuil Gaeilge mar ábhar acadúil acu sna cúrsaí B.Oid agus saorealaíona, tugtar ranganna ar leith do mhic léinn na saorealaíon ina ndírítear ar an scríbhneoireacht agus ar an chur i láthair a chleachtann iriseoirí agus iad siúd atá fostaithe in earnáil na meán cumarsáide. Is cuid lárnach den chéim sna saorealaíona í an tréimhse a chaitear ar thaithí oibre agus is minic a chaitheann ár gcuid mac léinn tréimhsí ag obair le nuachtáin, le comhlachtaí teilifíse agus leis an raidió chomh maith le heagrais eile Ghaeilge. Cuirfear comhairle ar na mic

Liberal Arts Honours Degree with Irish

As well as the language and literature classes attended by all the students who specialise in Irish, students who study on the Liberal Arts programme study writing and presentation skills relevant to a range of employment areas, such as journalism. Work-based learning is a key element of the Liberal Arts degree and Liberal Arts students with Irish very often seek work-based learning in newspapers, television companies and with radio through the medium of Irish. Students will also be encouraged to avail of opportunities to visit the Gaeltacht, for example, by applying for an Erasmus + work placement in a Gaeltacht area.

Course Guide

Irish home page

More Information:

Entry Guidelines for the BA Liberal Arts degree course.