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Job Title(s)Senior Lecturer - Geography
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8346 
Internal Phone No.ext. 346 


Education Studies Team

Short Description

I have been employed as a member of academic staff in St. Mary’s University College since 1998. Prior to this appointment I had four years teaching experience (undergraduate level) in the Geography Department, Queen’s University Belfast.

In my present role as a Senior Lecturer within the Geography Department I am responsible for co-ordinating a range of undergraduate courses in Human Geography and Geographical Education. Along with my colleagues in the History and Science Departments I contribute to the Year 1 Professional Studies World Around Us programme and to the Year 3 Local and Global Dimension in Education programme. I am also involved in the academic programme followed by international students who study at St. Mary’s.

At postgraduate level I co-direct and deliver a Masters module entitled A Global Sense of Place and teach on another Masters module entitled Religious Education in a Global Society. I have a specialist interest in the Global Dimension in Education and Inter-cultural Education and assist with a range of College initiatives which aim to raise awareness of global inequality and promote social justice.

Current Research

My doctoral research is in the History and Philosophy of Geography and focused on the cultural construction and dissemination of geographical knowledge.

More recently I have been focussing on the production of geographies of identity, belonging and citizenship and curriculum innovation in the area of Citizenship Education. I have co-authored a DFID commissioned research project entitled, ‘For a better world: the global dimension in education: knowledge and attitudes of students, pupils and teachers in Northern Ireland’.

I am currently working with colleagues from a number of European Universities on a proposal for a Comenius Multilateral Project on Constructing European Identity and the Future.

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, the U.K. body tasked with enhancing higher education learning and teaching.

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