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Job Title(s)Senior Lecturer - International Studies
Phone No.+44 (0) 28 9026 8278 [Room 202] 
Internal Phone No.ext. 278 [Room 202] 


Ireland in Europe

Short Description

I am a cultural scientist, linguist and educator. Within the Liberal Arts degree course I teach on aspects of European culture and area studies, such as the history of the idea of Europe, European art history, as well as on representations of identities and otherness in European film and literature.

MLA 1004 Concepts of Europe (core units 1, 2 & 5, 6)

MLA 2005 Ireland in Europe: Culture (core module)

MLA 3009 Unity in Diversity (option)

Current Research

I am a founding member of the International Feuchtwanger Society (IFS), an external member of the Centre for Irish-German Studies (University of Limerick), and a fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE). I have successfully applied for and collaborated in externally funded international research projects.

Research Interests

Interdisciplinary aspects of Education and Cultural Studies with expertise in Film, Exile, German, Irish and Identity Studies. In particular:

  • German-Jewish literature, German-language exile literature of 1933–1945 and its reception history
  • Conflict and film, (minority) identity representations, memory & borders in European cinema
  • Irish-German cultural relations and encounters
  • Multicultural/diversity education and German as a foreign language (DaF)



(2017) (Ed.) Borders, Memory and Transculturality: An Annotated Bibliography on the European Discourse, Münster: Lit Verlag.

(2007) Zur Rezeption von Exilliteratur und Lion Feuchtwangers Werk in Deutschland: Von 1945 bis heute, Oxford: Peter Lang.

(2005) Frauen im NS-Film: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Spielfilms, Hamburg: Dr. Kovač.

(2005–2009) (Ed.) Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, published by the University of Southern California Libraries.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters

(2021)„Brexit means Brexit“? Zur Auswirkung des Brexits auf Mehrsprachigkeit und kulturelle Identitäten im Vereinigten Königreich und Nordirland, in M. Lacheny, N. Rentel and S. Schwerter (eds.) „It’s All Greek to Me”. Mehrsprachigkeit aus interdisziplinärer Sicht (Stuttgart: Ibidem), pp. 1–25.

(2020) Teaching for Mutual Understanding: Language, Film and Global Education, in O. Mentz and Kasia Papaja (eds.) Focus on Language: Challenging Language Learning and Language Teaching in Peace and Global Education (Münster: LIT Verlag), pp. 11–27.

(2019) “The Echo We Hear is not the Echo of Our Own Words and Even the Best Translation is Something Alien”. On the Translation of German Exile Literature, in C. Ní Ríordáin and S. Schwerter (eds.) Speaking like a Spanish Cow: Cultural Errors in Translation (Stuttgart: Ibidem), pp. 49–69.

(2019) Grenzen und Erinnerungen in Robert Thalheims Filmen Westwind und Am Ende kommen Touristen, in O. Mentz and H.P. Burth (eds.) Border Studies. Concepts, Positions, and Perspectives in Europe. Conceptions, positions et perspectives en Europe. Konzepte, Positionen und Perspektiven in Europa (Münster et al.: Lit Verlag), pp. 150–174.

(2018) Kindheit in „troubled“ Belfast: Zur Darstellung von Raum und kindlichen Grenzerfahrungen in Mickybo and Me, in W. Hülk-Althoff and S. Schwerter (eds.) Mauern, Grenzen, Zonen. Geteilte Städte in Literatur und Film (Heidelberg: Winter Universitätsverlag), 29–41.

(2017) Borderlines: A Critical Comparison of the Representation and Displayed Experiences of Borders in Contemporary Youth Films from Germany and Ireland, in O. Mentz and T. McKay (eds.) Unity in Diversity. European Perspectives on Borders and Memory (Münster: Lit Verlag), 60–97.

(2017) Borders, Memory and Education: Rationale, in Borders, Memory and Transculturality: An Annotated Bibliography on the European discourse (Münster: Lit Verlag, 2017), 5–12.

(2017, co-authored) A Literature Review on the Concepts of Borders, Memory and Education with Particular Regards to UK and Irish Discourses, in Borders, Memory and Transculturality: An Annotated Bibliography (Münster: Lit Verlag, 2017), 109–149.

(2015) Feuchtwanger Goes Europe? The Legacy of Lion Feuchtwanger’s Work in European Contexts, in G.V. Davis (ed.) Feuchtwanger und Berlin (Oxford: Peter Lang), Feuchtwanger Studies vol. 4, 451–471.

(2013) The Literature of Exile: Lion Feuchtwanger’s Works in the Study of German-Language Literature, in BECTHИK, 22, 118–38.

(2013) Sitting at the Edge of Europe? Perceptions of and Attitudes towards Europe amongst Post-Primary Students in Northern Ireland, in A.I. Klonari and T. Resnik Planinc (eds.) European Identity at the Crossroads (Münster: Lit Verlag), 75–98.

(2012, co-authored) The Place of the European Dimension in Post-Primary Curricula of Northern Ireland, in S. Philippou (ed.) Europe turned local – the local turned European? Constructions of “Europe” in Social Studies Curricula across Europe. (Münster: Lit Verlag), 92–119.

(2012) There is no “Normal” Way of Doing Things: Interculturality and the Development of Intercultural Competence, in C. Hogan, N. Rentel, and S. Schwerter (eds.) Bridging Cultures: Intercultural Mediation in Literature, Linguistics and the Arts (Stuttgart: Ibidem), 21–37.

(2012) Exile, Migration and “the Other” in Contemporary Irish Writing, in W. Huber, S. Mayer, and J. Novak (eds.) Ireland in/and Europe: Cross Currents and Exchanges. Irish Studies in Europe, 4, 161–73.

(2012) Imaginary Reality: Ireland and the Irish in German Nazi Film, in F. Ghazoul (ed.) The Imaginary and the Documentary: Cultural Studies in Literature, History, and the Arts. Alif. Journal of Comparative Poetics, 32, 167–86.

(2000) Lion Feuchtwangers „Die Jüdin von Toledo“ (1955): Die Figur der Raquel – Sinnbild der Emanzipation?, in P. Ó Dochartaigh (ed.) Jews in German Literature since 1945: German-Jewish Literature? (Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi), 109–23.

Educational Material/Textbooks

(2012, co-authored) Living in and Reflecting on Europe: The PAM-INA Teacher Manual and Resources, Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press, pp. 52 and an interactive multilingual DVD.
The toolkit is a recommended teaching resource in the social study curriculum for post-primary education in the German federal state of the Saarland.

Book Reviews & Review Articles

(2016) Jill E. Twark and Axel Hildebrandt (eds.), Envisioning Social Justice in Contemporary German Culture (Camden House, 2015), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 24:2, 300–301.

(2016) Axel Bangert, The Nazi Past in Contemporary German Film: Viewing Experiences of Intimacy and Immersion (Camden House, 2014), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 24:1, 1–3.

(2015) Ewa Marzierska and Michael Goddard (eds.), Polish Cinema in a Transnational Context (University of Rochester Press, 2014), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23:2, 310–11.

(2015) Randall Halle, The Europeanization of Cinema: Interzones and Imaginative Communities (University of Illinois Press, 2014), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23:1, 153–54.

(2014) Stephanie Schwerter, Northern Irish Poetry and the Russian Turn: Intertextuality in the works of Seamus Heaney, Tom Paulin and Medbh McGuckian (Basingstroke: Palgrave, 2013), Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 38:1 & 2, 288–91.

(2014) Raita Merivirata, Kimmo Ahonen, Heta Mulari, and Rami Mähkä (eds.) Frontiers of Screen History: Imagining European Borders in Cinema, 1945–2010 (Intellect, 2013), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 22:4, 537–38.

(2014) Sonja Friedmann-Wolf, Im roten Eis: Schicksalswege meiner Familie 1933–1958, ed. by R. Müller and I. Way (Berlin: Aufbau, 2013), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 15, 65–70.

(2013) Agata Tuszynska, Die Sängerin aus dem Ghetto: Das Leben der Wiera Gran (Berlin: Insel, 2013), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 14, 71–73.

(2013) Barbara Beuys, Leben mit dem Feind: Amsterdam unter deutscher Besatzung 1940–1945 (Munich: Hanser, 2012), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 14, 66–69.

(2013) Anna Funder, All that I am (Penguin: 2012), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 13, 48–50.

(2013) Karin Wieland, Dietrich und Riefenstahl: Der Traum von der neuen Frau (Munich: Hanser, 2011), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 13, 45–48.

(2010) Manfred Flügge (ed.) Hilde Stieler: Die Edelkomparsin von Sanary (Berlin: Aviva, 2009), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 8, 37–39.

(2009) Wulf Köpke, Wartesaal-Jahre: Deutsche Schriftsteller im Exil nach 1933 (Erkelenz: Altius, 2008), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 7, 21–24.

(2009) Robert Cohen, Das Exil der frechen Frauen (Berlin: Rotbuch, 2009), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 7, 20–22.

(2009) Stephanie Schwerter, Literarisierung einer gespaltenen Stadt: Belfast in der nordirischen „Troubles Fiction“ vom Realismus zur Karnevalisierung (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2007), Études Irlandaises, 34:1, 182–84.

(2006) Gisela Holfter (ed.), German Speaking Exiles in Ireland 1933–1945 (Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2006), Newsletter of the International Feuchtwanger Society, 4, 16–18.

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