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Job Title(s)Senior Lecturer - History



Short Description

I take the second-year European history module or the short twentieth century as Eric Hobsbawm famously characterised the period. I am also the lecturer for the twin third-year modules on nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Irish and British history as well as the optional module on the history of the Troubles.

Current Research

A former IRCSSH fellow at NUIG. My PhD was published by Manchester University Press in 2011 as Fenians & Ribbonmen. Since then, I have gone on to develop a significant record of research and publication on the tangled relationship between class, sectarianism and ideology, particularly in my second monograph, Tyrone, 1912-23.

I have recently published a significant peer-reviewed article on Irish Revisionism with Irish Studies Review and a further article on the Caledon Lockout appeared in ILWCH in autumn 2020. I am currently editing a collection of essays on working-class politics in the revolutionary period outside Dublin and Belfast, which will be published in 2022.

A regular contributor to Raidió na Gaeltachta, I have also contributed to several historical television documentaries and news programmes, most notably Dearcán productions’ highly-acclaimed Síochánaí - Francis Sheehy-Skefffington, Michael Davitt and Cogadh faoi cheilt: the IRB - the latter airing in 2019. I also have an established record of community outreach to Irish-language organisations, local historical societies and local government initiatives surrounding the decade of commemorations.

I completed my MEd through the medium of Irish at SMUCB, with my educational research published as Gaeilge in two peer-reviewed collections.

Fields: Irish republicanism in Ulster, working-class history, social history, imperialism, the Irish language and political theory.

Periods: late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the revolutionary period, the Troubles.

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