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Comhfhreagras/Correspondance - Acht na Gaeilge (Yellow Folder)

archive Mrs S Silver chun POBAL: Nick Clegg (1st February 2011)
archive Owen Paterson MP, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland chun POBAL: Acht Gaeilge (16th December 2010)
archive Hugo Swire MP, Minister of State for Northern Ireland chun POBAL: Acht Gaeilge (12th October 2011)
archive Barbara McConaghie, Department Private Secretary to Nelson McCausland chun POBAL: Acht Gaeilge, DCAL (17th November 2010)


Teach na gComhlachtaí/House of Companies (Yellow Folder)


Teach na gComhlachtaí/House of Companies

  • Letter to POBAL: Gaeilge in úsáid i doiciméid Teach na gComhlachtaí (25th May 2012)
  • Letter to Janet Muller, Cultúrlann Mc Adam ó Fiaich: Gaeilge in úsáid i doiciméid Teach na gComhlachtaí (9th February 2011)


Straitéisí do Theangacha/Language Strategies (Yellow Folder)


Straitéisí do Theangacha/Language Strategies

  • Essay by Janet Muller on POBAL and Acht Gaeilge
  • Essay by Padráig Ó Laighin, ‘Plean 20 Bliain don Ghaeilge de chuid an deiscirt’.
  • ‘Towards an Irish Language Strategy for Northern Ireland’, Aodhán Mac Póilin (November 2012)
  • POBAL, ‘To enhance and protect the development of the Irish Language’.


Foras na Gaeilge- Samhail Nua Maoinithe (Blue Folder)


Foras na Gaeilge

  • Samhail Mhaoinithe Iomaíoch Nua: Comhchoiste Ghrúpaí Bunmhaoinithe an Tuaiscirt (6ú Nollaig 2011)
  • Impleachtaí Chinntí Fhoras na Gaeilge Maidir le Bunmhaoiniú
  • Funding of Irish Language Voluntary Sector ó Aodhán Mac Póilin (4th October 2010)
  • Foras na Gaeilge- Core Funding Bodies- Consultation ó Aodhan Mac Póilin (22nd September 2010)
  • An Forám: Cruinniú de na heagraíochtaí bunmhaoinithe  (31ú Lúnasa 2010)
  • The New Funding Model for the Core-Funded Organisations implications for the promotion of Irish of Northern Ireland
  • Ceisteanna maidir leis an cháipéis ar shuíomh an Fhorais, Samhail Nua Mhaoinithe don Choiste Comhairleach chuig Ferida Mac An Fhailigh (21ú Meán Fómhair 2011)
  • An Fóram: ó Aodhán Mac Póilin, Caitríona Ní Cheallaigh agus Antoine ó Coileáin (21ú Meán Fómhair 2011)
  • Presentation to the Culture, Arts and Leisure Committee (22ú Meán Fómhair 2011)
  • The difference between the situation of Irish in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland (October 2010)
  • Core Funding Proposals chun POBAL: Irish and English Documents  (20th February 2013)
  • Advocacy, Discussion Paper for An Coiste Comhairleach le Aodhán Mac Póilin (21st February 2011)


Acht na Gaeilge- Ócáid POBAL, Long Gallery (Blue Folder)

archive Acht na Gaeilge

POBAL, Acht na Gaeilge Clár an Lae (24ú Samhain 2004)


Briefing Paper on POBAL’s Proposals for The Irish Language Act for Northern Ireland (November 2006)


Acht na Gaeilge do Thuaisceart Éireann le Robert Dunbar, Wilson McLeod agus Fernand de Verennes.


POBAL, The Irish Language Act, Long Gallery, Stormont (16th November 2011)


Timeline for the Irish Language Act NI at Westminster


Deireadh Fómhair 2011 Forbairt na Gaeilge, Príomh phointí POBAL


Comhdháil POBAL ar Acht na Gaeilge, (Céadaoin/Wednesday 16ú Samhain)


John O’Dowd – Comhfhreagras/Correspondence (Blue Folder)

archive John O’Dowd, Comhfhreagras Dualgais Ghaeilge chuig POBAL (23 September 2011)


Irish Language in the New Councils 2014 (Red Folder)


Irish Language in the New Councils 2014

  • Newry and Mourne District Council Irish Language Unit- Council Info and services available in the Irish Language
  • POBAL Bilingual Briefing Paper- Equality, Good Relations and the Irish Language in the New Councils (June 2014)
  • Language Rights and the Local Council- Report of the Information Day for Councillors, Council Chief Executives and Senior Officers (26th March 2003)


Aighneacht POBAL ar an Bhille Comhioannais (Yellow Folder)

archive Aighneacht ar an Bhille Comhioannais i dTuaisceart na hÉireann ar son phobal na Gaeilge


AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies 2010 (Brown Folder)

archive AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, Comhdháil/Meeting (20-21 September 2010)
archive Growing a new generation of Gaelic speaks: an action plan in response to a Ministerial initiative (20-21 September 2010)
archive Gaelic Speakers in Scotland Aged 3+ in Civil Parishes 1881-2001


Comhfhreagras/Correspondence Máire Mhic Ghiolla Íosa (Red Folder)

archive Comhfhreagras Máire Mhic Ghiolla Íosa, Acht na Gaeilge- Ó Adrian O’Neill cuireadh chun POBAL (2 Feabhra 2011)


All-Ireland Meeting-POBAL- Special Needs (Brown Folder)

archive Special Education Needs in Irish Medium Schools : All-Island research on the support and training needs of the sector (June 2010)
archive POBAL, Irish Medium and Special Education Needs: Maximising training and resources (1st December 2011)
archive POBAL, Irish Medium and Special Education Needs: Maximising training and resources reports


Comhfhreagras/Correspondence POBAL-NIO 2008 (Red Folder)

archive Comhfhreagras, NIO cuireadh chun POBAL: Acht na Gaeilge (4th December 2008)


POBAL 2008 (Brown Folder)

archive POBAL proposes to establish Fair Treatment Measures in Northern Ireland (2008)


Preliminary report Advisory Committee (Brown Folder)

archive POBAL Preliminary report to Advisory Committee on Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (March 2011)


Easpa Cosanta faoin Dhlí don Ghaeilge (Brown Folder)

archive POBAL- Lack of Protection for the Irish Language Under the Law- Easpa Cosanta Faoin Dlí ag an Teanga Ghaeilge


Colma McKee V. Deni 2011 (Brown Folder)

archive Colma McKee V. DENI 2011 – Written Submissions on behalf of Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta  (8-11th April 2011)


The Arts of NI (Brown Folder)

archive The Arts Council of Northern Ireland on the Arts of Irish & Ulster Scots, Prepared by POBAL with support from Trevor Ó Clochartaigh  (07/03/05)


NIHRC Home to School Transport (Brown Folder)

archive NIHRC Home to School Transport Policy and Irish Medium Pupils


Teach na gCumhachtaí (Brown Folder)

archive Teach na gCumhachtaí/ Companies House, BIS chuireadh chun POBAL regarding the use of Irish in documents required by Companies House (4th May 2012)


Comhfhreagras 2006 Oifig David Hanson (DCAL) (Brown Folder)

archive Comhfhreagrais Oifig David Hanson (DCAL) (24 Aibreán 2006)


Comhfhreagras Home Office 2011 (Brown Folder)

archive Comhfhreagras Home Office- Pasanna i nGaeilge/ The use of Irish language in UK passports  (20 July 2011)


Plean Gníomha 2011-2013 don Ghaeilge (Brown Folder)

archive Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann- Plean Gníomha Don Ghaeilge 2011-2013, (24ú Lúnasa 2010)